EPG Online Schedule Autumn 2021
The schedule for EPG Online in Autumn 2021 is now available. Sessions will on Thursdays at 16:30 UK Time. To get login information and the latest updates subscribe to the EPG Online mailing list.
Autumn 2021 Schedule
7th October
Domestic Autonomy and Environmental International Non-Governmental Organizations: A Cross-National Analysis of Forest Loss
- Jamie M. Sommer (University of South Florida)
Identity and the Structure of Climate Risk Preferences
- Noah Zucker (Columbia University)
21st October
Status Symbols in Social Space: Inflated Lives, Clean Tech Privilege, and Electric Cars in Washington State
- Jean Léon Boucher (Dublin City University) and Walter Mérida (University of British Columbia)
Walking the Talk: Why Cities Adopt Ambitious Climate Action Plans
- Sanya Bery (Wesleyan University) and Mary Alice Haddad (Wesleyan University)
4th November
Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Global Warming
- Alexander F. Gazmararian (Princeton University) and Helen V. Milner (Princeton University)
Coping Practices and the Spatial Dimension of Authority Design: The Case of Environmental Policy Enforcement
- Constantin Kaplaner (LMU Munich) and Yves Steinebach (LMU Munich)
18th November
Private adaptation to climate risks: Evidence from the world’s largest mining companies
- Maria-Therese Gustafsson (Stockholm University), Jorge Ernesto Rodriguez Morales (Stockholm University), and Lisa M. Dellmuth (Stockholm University)
Local weather extremes and political attitudes on climate policy - Evidence from Switzerland
- Franziska Quoß (ETH Zürich) and Lukas Rudolph (LMU Munich)
2nd December
Who’s afraid of more ambitious climate policy? Distributional consequences and inequality perceptions in ratcheting up for the Paris Agreement
- Lena Maria Schaffer (University of Lucerne)
No Diffusion at All: Trade, Free Riding, and Government Underspending on Environmental Innovation
- Muzhou Zhang (University of Essex)