EPG Job Market Candidates 2021
This page lists researchers who are currently on the academic job market, whose research touches on themes related to Environmental Politics and Governance.
If you are on the market, you can be added to this directory by completing this form.
Name | Institution | Website | Research Interests | |
Alexander Gard-Murray | Brown University | gard-murray@brown.edu | http://gard-murray.com | Climate Change; Comparative Political Economy; Public Policy; Decarbonization |
Andrew Heffernan | University of Ottawa | Andrew.Heffernan@uottawa.ca | https://heffandrew.wixsite.com/my-site | Global Environmental Governance; Eco Politics; Africa; Community-Based Natural Resource Management; Climate Change |
Ashpreet Kaur | University of Florida | ashpreetkaur767@gmail.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashpreet-kaur-475941132/ | zero waste, circular economy, sustainability, environment policy and management, waste management |
Catherine Chen | The Ohio State University | chen.8411@osu.edu | https://www.cathchen.com | behavioral experiments; machine learning; policy process; political economy; sustainability policy |
Cesar B. Martinez-Alvarez | University of California, Los Angeles | cbmartinez@ucla.edu | https://www.cesarbmartinez.com/ | politics of land use change; climate change mitigation; local governance of forests; fossil fuel subsidies; energy transitions; common-pool resources management |
David Krantz | Arizona State University | krantz@asu.edu | https://sustainability-innovation.asu.edu/person/david-krantz/ | Climate & Energy Policy; Spiritual Environmentalism; Transdisciplinary Research |
Dennis Kolcava | ETH Zurich | dennis.kolcava@ir.gess.ethz.ch | https://ib.ethz.ch/people/dr--dennis-kolcava.html | Corporate Responsibility; International Political Economy; Public Opinion; Supply Chains; Trade |
Divya | Institute of Public Policy. Indian School of Business, ISB Road. | divya_gupta@isb.edu | https://NA | Natural Resource Governance; Resource Rights; Collective Action; Social Protection Policies and their Implementation; Adaptation to global crises and change. |
Federico Holm | University of Michigan | fholm@umich.edu | https://www.federicoholm.com | social-ecological systems; environmental governance; institutional complexity, social networks |
Garret Zastoupil | University of Wisconsin-Madison | gzastoupil@gmail.com | https://NA | participatory action research; just transitions; community economic development; sacrifice zones |
Geoffrey Henderson | University of California, Santa Barbara | ghenderson@ucsb.edu | https://www.geoffreyhenderson.com/ | climate policy; social movements; coalitions; political participation; interest groups |
João Bosco Lissandro Reis Botelho | Amazonas Federal Institute | lissandro.botelho@ifam.edu.br | https://ifam.academia.edu/lissandrobotelho | The Amazon; Rainforest Governance; Deforestation Process; Social Innovation; Financial Innovation |
Josée Provençal | University of Ottawa | jprov027@uottawa.ca | https://polemos-decroissance.org/josee-provencal/ | global governance of energy, sustainable development, energy transition, energy sufficiency, degrowth and the social relations that structure our energy consumption. |
Joseph Dellatte | Kyoto University | jdellatte@icloud.com | https://thegrimoiredotorg.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/cv-sep-2021_jdellatte.pdf | Carbon Pricing; Climate Policy; ETS Linking; Political Economy; Governance |
Kristin Dobbin | University of California Los Angeles | kbdobbin@ucdavis.edu | https://www.kristindobbin.com | Environmental justice; drinking water; public policy; institutions; environmental governance |
Lauri Peterson | Uppsala University | lauri.peterson@statsvet.uu.se | https://lauripeterson.github.io | climate politics; extreme weather; development aid; environmental politics |
Marielle Papin | McGill University | marielle.papin@mail.mcgill.ca | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marielle-Papin | Global environmental politics; urban climate governance; transnational networks; innovation; complex systems. |
Noah Zucker | Columbia University | noah.zucker@columbia.edu | https://www.noahzucker.com | climate change; identity; democracy; global governance |
Patrick Hunnicutt | Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California - Santa Barbara | patrickhunnicutt@ucsb.edu | https://www.phunnicutt.com | Conflict; development; environment; peacekeeping |
Qianhui Li | University of Arizona | qianhuil@email.arizona.edu | https://sgpp.arizona.edu/people/qianhui-li | environmental policy; voluntary regulation; corporate responsibility; institutions |
Ritwick Ghosh | Arizona State University | rghosh19@asu.edu | https://www.ritwickghosh.com | Ecosystem Services; Offsetting; Markets |
Samuel Trachtman | UC Berkeley | sam.trachtman@berkeley.edu | https://samtrachtman.com | climate politics; American political economy; interest groups; federalism |
Takumi Shibaike | University of Calgary | takumi.s.com@gmail.com | https://takumishibaike.github.io | Global Environmental Governance; NGOs; Species Conservation; UNFCCC |
Timothy Fraser | Northeastern University | timothy.fraser.1@gmail.com | https://www.timothyfraser.com/ | Resilience; Social Networks; Mapping; Renewable Energy; Climate Adaptation |
William Gochberg | Washington University in St. Louis | gochberg@wustl.edu | https://williamgochberg.com/ | Property rights; economic development; oil; ethnicity |
Yixin Liu | Florida State University | yl17g@my.fsu.edu | https://yixin-liu.com/ | collaborative governance, local government, environmental policy, experimental methods |
Yufan Yang | The University of Iowa | yufan-yang@uiowa.edu | https://yufanyang.com | Environmental Politics; Political Violence; Information; Collective Action; Text Analysis |
Zhengyan Li | University of Michigan | ianli@umich.edu | https://NA | Business Sustainability; Environmental Justice; Regulation; Information Disclosure |